SPN 3055 FMI 15 Below Minimum with Maximum Command ... · SPN 157 FMI 3 (FRP), SPN157 FMI 4, SPN 157 FMI 20, and SPN 157 FMI 21 (FRP), and SPN 633 FMI 3, SPN 633FMI 4, and SPN 633 - [PDF Document] (2024)

SPN 3055 FMI 15 Below Minimum with Maximum Command ...· SPN 157 FMI 3 (FRP), SPN157 FMI 4, SPN 157 FMI 20, and SPN 157 FMI 21 (FRP), and SPN 633 FMI 3, SPN 633FMI 4, and SPN 633 - [PDF Document] (1)

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Special InstructionSPN 3055 FMI 15 Below Minimum with Maximum Command Troubleshooting for

Certain CT660 On Highway Trucks{7000}

Media Number -REHS9167-00 Publication Date -2014/05/06 Date Updated -2014/05/06


SPN 3055 FMI 15 Below Minimum with Maximum CommandTroubleshooting for Certain CT660 On Highway Trucks{7000}

SMCS - 7000

On Highway Truck:




This Special Instruction provides the information to diagnose and troubleshoot below minimum and maximum command on the machines listed above.

Important Safety Information

Accidental engine starting can cause injury or death to personnel working on the equipment.

To avoid accidental engine starting, disconnect the battery cable from

the negative (−) battery terminal. Completely tape all metal surfaces of the disconnected battery cable end in order to prevent contact with

other metal surfaces which could activate the engine electrical system.

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SPN 3055 FMI 15 Below Minimum with Maximum Command ...· SPN 157 FMI 3 (FRP), SPN157 FMI 4, SPN 157 FMI 20, and SPN 157 FMI 21 (FRP), and SPN 633 FMI 3, SPN 633FMI 4, and SPN 633 - [PDF Document] (2)

Place a Do Not Operate tag at the Start/Stop switch location to inform

personnel that the equipment is being worked on.

Personal injury or death can result from sudden machine movement.

Sudden movement of the machine can cause injury to persons on or near the machine.

To prevent injury or death, make sure that the area around the

machine is clear of personnel and obstructions before operating the machine.

Do not attempt to assemble this machine until you read and you

understand the assembly instructions.

Improper assembly procedures could result in injury or death.

Personal injury can result from hydraulic oil pressure and hot oil.

Hydraulic oil pressure can remain in the hydraulic system after the

engine has been stopped. Serious injury can be caused if this pressure is

not released before any service is done on the hydraulic system.

Make sure all of the work tools have been lowered to the ground, and

the oil is cool before removing any components or lines. Remove the oil

filler cap only when the engine is stopped, and the filler cap is cool enough to touch with your bare hand.

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SPN 3055 FMI 15 Below Minimum with Maximum Command ...· SPN 157 FMI 3 (FRP), SPN157 FMI 4, SPN 157 FMI 20, and SPN 157 FMI 21 (FRP), and SPN 633 FMI 3, SPN 633FMI 4, and SPN 633 - [PDF Document] (3)


Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during

performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting, and repair

of the product. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers before opening any compartment or disassembling any component

containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Dealer Service Tool

Catalog" for tools and supplies suitable to collect and contain fluids on Cat products.

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and mandates.


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened component life.


Contact with high pressure fuel may cause personal injury or death.

Wait 60 seconds after the engine has stopped to allow fuel pressure to purge before any service or repair is performed on the engine fuel


Note: Cleanliness is an important factor. Before beginning the removal procedure, clean the exterior of the components thoroughly. Cleaning the components will help to prevent dirt from entering the internal mechanism.

Note: Put identification marks on all hoses, on all hose assemblies, on all harness assemblies, and on all tube assemblies for installation purposes. Plug all hose assemblies and all tube assemblies in order to prevent fluid loss, and contaminants from entering the system.

SPN 3055 FMI 15 - Below Minimum with Maximum Command

Table 1

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SPN 3055 FMI 15 Below Minimum with Maximum Command ...· SPN 157 FMI 3 (FRP), SPN157 FMI 4, SPN 157 FMI 20, and SPN 157 FMI 21 (FRP), and SPN 633 FMI 3, SPN 633FMI 4, and SPN 633 - [PDF Document] (4)

Condition / DescriptionSetting Criteria

Enable Conditions /




Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Governor deviation above maximum limit.

Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Governor error greater than 4999 kPa (725 psi)

Key ON

10 seconds

Meeting unit flow greater than function engine speed (41500 to 55000 mm3/s)

Engine mode normal

Engine speed greater than 0 rpm or Fuel Rail Pressure greater than 90000 kPa (13054 psi for more than 20 engine revolutions)

Metering unit flow lesser than 327670 mm3/sec

Fault Overview

Fault code sets when the Engine Control Module (ECM) detects FRP is below minimum when the maximum is commanded.

Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Reaction

MIL will illuminate when this fault is detected during two consecutive drive cycles.

Associated Faults

SPN 157 FMI 3 (FRP), SPN 157 FMI 4, SPN 157 FMI 20, and SPN 157 FMI 21 (FRP), and SPN 633 FMI 3, SPN 633 FMI 4, and SPN 633 FMI 5 (FPCV).

Drive Cycle to Determine Fault Status

Drive Cycle 2 in Troubleshooting, UENR5715, "2013 HD-OBD Diagnostic Reference Manual".

Possible Causes

Fuel Rail Pressure FRP sensor or circuit fault.•

Low fuel level•

Fuel leaks•

Restricted engine mounted secondary fuel filter•

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SPN 3055 FMI 15 Below Minimum with Maximum Command ...· SPN 157 FMI 3 (FRP), SPN157 FMI 4, SPN 157 FMI 20, and SPN 157 FMI 21 (FRP), and SPN 633 FMI 3, SPN 633FMI 4, and SPN 633 - [PDF Document] (5)

Aerated fuel delivery•

Restricted fuel supply•

Internal leak in high-pressure fuel system•

Leaking FRP relief valve•

Stuck or sticking Fuel Pressure Control Valve (FPCV)•

Failed High-pressure (HP) fuel pump•

Low Pressure Fuel System Testing

Step Action Decision


Check fuel level. Read fuel level using the vehicle instrument panel gauge and perform a visualinspection of fluid level in the fuel tank. Is sufficient fuel in the fuel tanks and not leaking?

Yes: Go to Step 2.

No: Add fuel or repair leaks, and prime engine.


Check recent vehicle history. Verify if the fuelsystem was recently serviced. Has the vehicle run issue free since the last fuel system service?

Yes: Go to step 3.

No: Inspect for leaks and properly prime the fuel system.


Check for associated faults. Using Personal Computer (PC) with engine diagnostic software, check Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) for SPN 157 FMI 3 (FRP), SPN 157 FMI 4, SPN 157 FMI 20, and SPN 157 FMI 21 (FRP), and SPN 633 FMI 3, SPN 633 FMI 4, and SPN 633 FMI 5 (FPCV). Is PC DTC list free of SPN 157 FMI 3, SPN 157 FMI 4, SPN 157 FMI 20, and SPN 157 FMI 21 (FRP), and SPN 633 FMI 3, SPN 633 FMI 4, and SPN 633 FMI 5 (FPCV)?

Yes: Go to Step 4.

No: Repair SPN 157 FMI 3, SPN 157 FMI 4, SPN 157 FMI 20, and SPN 157 FMI 21 (FRP), and SPN 633 FMI 3, SPN 633 FMI 4, and SPN 633 FMI 5(FPCV). See health report for link to diagnostics.


Check that the engine cranks at a minimum of 130 rpm.Does the engine crank at a minimum of 130 rpm?

Yes: Go to Step 5.

No: Repair low cranking speed.


Verify the engine starts. Crank engine for maximum of 20 seconds. If engine does not start, wait 2 minutes and try again.Does engine start and maintain idle?

Yes: Go to step 6.

No: Go to SPN 3055 FMI 1 (REHS9166).

6 Yes: Go to Step 8.

Table 2

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SPN 3055 FMI 15 Below Minimum with Maximum Command ...· SPN 157 FMI 3 (FRP), SPN157 FMI 4, SPN 157 FMI 20, and SPN 157 FMI 21 (FRP), and SPN 633 FMI 3, SPN 633FMI 4, and SPN 633 - [PDF Document] (6)

Check for low FDP. Perform Fuel Delivery Pressure (FDP) Test. Refer to Level ""Fuel Delivery Pressure (FDP) Test" ".Does FDP measure > 586 kPa (85 psi).

No: Got to Step 7.


Check for failed low-pressure fuel pump. Perform Fuel Dead Head Test. Refer to Level ""Fuel Dead Head Test" ". Is pressure 586 kPa (85 psi)?

Yes: Go to Step 8.

No: Replace high-pressure pump perform step 15.


Check for a restricted engine fuel filter. Perform High -pressure Pump Inlet Pressure Test. Refer to Level ""High -pressure Pump Inlet Pressure Test" ". Does the fuel pressure gauge read 586 kPa (85 psi)?

Yes: Go to Step 9.

No: Replace Engine Fuel Filter.


Check for aeration in low-pressure fuel system. Perform Fuel Aeration Test. Refer to Level ""Fuel Aeration Test" ". Is fuel system free from aeration?

Yes: Go to Step 10.

No: Repair aeration in low-pressure fuel system (according to Fuel Aeration Test).


Check for restriction in low-pressure fuel system. Perform Fuel Restriction Test. Refer to Level""Fuel Restriction Test" ". Is fuel system free of restriction?

Yes: Go to Step 11.

No: Repair restriction in low-pressure fuel system (according to Fuel Restriction Test).

High Pressure Fuel System Testing

Step Action Decision


Check for fuel return. Perform Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Return Flow Test part 1. Disconnect fuel drain tube assembly at rear of cylinder head. Connect High Pressure Return Line Tester 373-4728-1 to cylinder head and route other end to diesel fuel container. Crank engine and monitor fuel return from High Pressure Return Line Tester 373-4728-1 for 60 seconds at low idle.Is the fuel volume < 60 ml?

Yes: Go to Step 12.

No: Go to Step 14.

12 Yes: Go to Step 13.

Table 3

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SPN 3055 FMI 15 Below Minimum with Maximum Command ...· SPN 157 FMI 3 (FRP), SPN157 FMI 4, SPN 157 FMI 20, and SPN 157 FMI 21 (FRP), and SPN 633 FMI 3, SPN 633FMI 4, and SPN 633 - [PDF Document] (7)

Check for a failed fuel pressure relief valve. Perform Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Return Flow Test part 2. Restore all fuel line connections. Disconnect fuel rail return line at fuel rail. Connect High Pressure Return Line Tester 373-4728-1 to fuel rail return port and route other end to diesel fuel container. Crank engine and monitor fuel return from High Pressure Return Line Tester 373-4728-1 for 60 seconds at high idle. Is the line free of return fuel from fuel rail?

No: Replace fuel rail.


Check for a sticking Fuel Pressure Control valve (FPCV.) Using PC, perform the High Pressure Pump Test. Refer to Level ""High Pressure Pump Test" ". Does the pressure differential maintain < 7998 kPa (1160 psi) throughout the test?

Yes: Verify each step was completed correctly and contact your supervisor.

No: Replace Fuel Pressure Control valve (FPCV). After repairs are complete, retest for SPN 3055 FMI 15. If SPN 3055 FMI 15 returns replace HP fuel pump and perform step 15.


Check for an internal leak in the high pressure fuel system. Perform Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Leak Isolation Test. Refer to Level ""Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Leak Isolation Test" ".Is engine free of leaking injector?

Yes: Verify each step was completed correctly and contact your supervisor.

No: Replace the last capped injector and all HP lines removed during this test.


Run HP Pump Fuel Return Pressure Test. Refer to Level ""HP Pump Fuel Return Pressure Test" ". Is Pressure 90 kPa (13 psi)?

Yes: Relese the unit.

No: Repair restriction in fuel return line between high pressure fuel pump and fuel tank.

Note: After performing all diagnostic steps, if SPN 3055 FMI 15 remains, verify that each step was completed correctly and the proper decision was made. Notify supervisor for further action.

Note: See CT660 Labor Requirement Guide for Standard Repair Times (SRTs).

QuantityPart Description



StepSRT Description

Table 4

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1 High-pressure fuel pump kit

421-3155 7 High Pressure Fuel Pump & Drive Gear, Replace

1 High-pressure fuel rail 376-2724 12 High-pressure fuel rail, Replace

1 Fuel Pressure Control Valve (FPCV)

456-1509 13 Electronic Engine Control Sensors& Valves, Replace


Fuel Delivery Pressure (FDP) Test


Verify that there is sufficient fuel pressure in low-pressure fuel system to start engine.


Personal Computer (PC) with engine diagnostic software•

NexIQ Usb-Link•

372-5842 – Clean Fuel Source Tool•

373-4730 – Air Cap, Fuel Cap, and Plug Kit•


Note: To prevent damage to engine, plug component connections immediately after each fuel line is removed using clean fuel system caps.

Note: Ensure that fuel lines are clear of heavy debris before breaking fuel line connections.

With the engine OFF, disconnect fuel supply line at low-pressure fuel pump inlet.1.

Use Air Cap, Fuel Cap, and Plug Kit 373-4730 to cap disconnected fuel supply line.2.

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SPN 3055 FMI 15 Below Minimum with Maximum Command ...· SPN 157 FMI 3 (FRP), SPN157 FMI 4, SPN 157 FMI 20, and SPN 157 FMI 21 (FRP), and SPN 633 FMI 3, SPN 633FMI 4, and SPN 633 - [PDF Document] (9)

Illustration 1 g03672695

Clean Fuel Source Tool connected to low-pressure fuel pump inlet

Connect Clean Fuel Source Tool 372-5842 to low-pressure fuel pump inlet.3.

Crank engine to remove air from fuel lines.4.

Turn ignition switch to ON, engine OFF.5.

Connect PC to vehicle's Diagnostic Connector.6.

Start engine diagnostic software.7.

Select Hard Start - No Start session.8.

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Illustration 2 g03672696

Hard Start - No Start session signals

Crank engine for 20 seconds while monitoring Fuel Delivery Pressure (FDP) signal. Record results on Diagnostics Form.


Note: Engine diagnostic software displays Fuel Delivery Pressure (FDP) signal 103 kPa (15 psi) below actual gauge pressure.

If FDP is below specification, go to Fuel Dead Head Test.◦

If FDP builds above specification, go to Fuel Aeration Test.◦

Fuel Dead Head Test


Isolate fuel pump to determine if it is able to build proper pressure.


Compucheck fitting•

372-5842 – Clean Fuel Source Tool•

372-5239 – Fuel Pressure Gauge•

373-4727 – Fuel Inlet Restriction / Aeration Tool•

373-4734 – Fuel Block Off Tool•


Retain connection between Clean Fuel Source Tool 372-5842 and low-pressure fuel pump inlet from previous test.


Disconnect fuel line from low-pressure fuel pump outlet.2.

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SPN 3055 FMI 15 Below Minimum with Maximum Command ...· SPN 157 FMI 3 (FRP), SPN157 FMI 4, SPN 157 FMI 20, and SPN 157 FMI 21 (FRP), and SPN 633 FMI 3, SPN 633FMI 4, and SPN 633 - [PDF Document] (11)

Illustration 3 g03672698

Fuel Inlet Restriction / Aeration Tool 373-4727 connected to low-pressure fuel pump outlet

Connect Fuel Inlet Restriction / Aeration Tool 373-4727 to low-pressure fuel pump outlet.3.

Use compucheck fitting to connect Fuel Pressure Gauge to Fuel Inlet Restriction / Aeration Tool 373-4727.


Connect Fuel Block Off Tool to Fuel Restriction / Aeration Tool 373-4727.5.

Crank engine to remove air from fuel lines.6.

Crank engine until fuel pressure stabilizes or up to a maximum of 20 seconds.7.

Record gauge pressure on Diagnostics Form.8.

If pressure is within specification, inspect secondary fuel filter, stand pipe, and housing for defects or damage. If no defect or damage is found, go to Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Return FlowTest.

If pressure is below specification, replace fuel pump following procedures in the Engine Service Manual. To prevent damage to a newly installed fuel pump and to verify that high back pressure did not cause fuel pump to fail, perform High Pressure Pump Fuel Return Pressure Test any time fuel pump is replaced.

Note: Before installing a new fuel pump, ensure that new fuel pump is the correct replacement part.

High Pressure Pump Inlet Pressure Test

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SPN 3055 FMI 15 Below Minimum with Maximum Command ...· SPN 157 FMI 3 (FRP), SPN157 FMI 4, SPN 157 FMI 20, and SPN 157 FMI 21 (FRP), and SPN 633 FMI 3, SPN 633FMI 4, and SPN 633 - [PDF Document] (12)


Verify that high-pressure fuel pump is receiving fuel.


372-5239 – Fuel Pressure Gauge•

373-4727 – Fuel Inlet Restriction / Aeration Tool•

373-4734 – Fuel Block Off Tool•

373-4735 – Fuel Line Coupler•


Disconnect fuel supply to AFT fuel doser module.1.

Use Fuel Line Coupler 373-4735 to connect Fuel Inlet Restriction / Aeration Tool 373-4727 to AFT fuel doser module fuel supply line.


Illustration 4 g03672701

Fuel Pressure Gauge connected to AFT fuel doser module fuel supply line

(1) AFT fuel doser module Fuel Supply Line

(2) Fuel Line Coupler 373-4735

(3) Fuel Inlet Restriction / Aeration Tool 373-4727

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(4) Fuel Pressure Gauge 372-5239

(5) Fuel Block Off Tool 373-4734

Connect Fuel Block Off Tool 373-4734 to Fuel Inlet Restriction / Aeration Tool 373-4727.3.

Connect Fuel Pressure Gauge 372-5239 to Fuel Inlet Restriction / Aeration Tool 373-4727.4.

Crank engine while monitoring Fuel Pressure Gauge 372-5239. Record results on Diagnostics Form.


If gauge pressure is within specification, go to High-Pressure Fuel Return Flow Test.•

If gauge pressure is below specification, replace secondary fuel filter and go to High-pressure Fuel Return Flow Test.

Fuel Aeration Test

Illustration 5 g03672702

Fuel aeration test diagram

(1) Strainer / primer pump

(2) Aeration test point 2

(3) Secondary fuel filter

(4) Fuel supply from primary fuel filter

(5) Low-pressure fuel pump

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(6) Fuel Inlet Restriction / Aeration Tool 373-4727

(7) Aeration test point 1


Check for fuel aeration.


372-5842 – Clean Fuel Source Tool•

373-4727 – Fuel Inlet Restriction / Aeration Tool•

373-4734 – Fuel Block Off Tool•

373-4735 – Fuel Line Coupler•


Follow the below aeration test procedures.

Aeration Test Point 1

Remove Clean Fuel Source Tool 372-5842 from low-pressure fuel pump inlet.1.

Use Fuel Line Coupler 373-4735 to connect Fuel Inlet Restriction / Aeration Tool 373-4727 between fuel supply line to secondary fuel filter and low-pressure fuel pump outlet.


Prime fuel system by pumping primer pump.3.

Crank engine while visually monitoring for fuel aeration (air bubbles passing through the clean line). Record results on Diagnostics Form.


If fuel is not aerated, go to Fuel Restriction Test.•

If fuel is aerated, go to Aeration Test Point 2.•

Aeration Test Point 2

Connect Clean Fuel Source Tool 372-5842 to primer pump inlet.1.

Prime fuel system by pumping primer pump2.

Crank engine while visually monitoring for fuel aeration (air bubbles passing through the clean line). Record results on Diagnostics Form.


If fuel is not aerated, repair open in fuel supply line between fuel primer pump and fuel tank.•

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SPN 3055 FMI 15 Below Minimum with Maximum Command ...· SPN 157 FMI 3 (FRP), SPN157 FMI 4, SPN 157 FMI 20, and SPN 157 FMI 21 (FRP), and SPN 633 FMI 3, SPN 633FMI 4, and SPN 633 - [PDF Document] (15)

If fuel is aerated, repair open in low-pressure fuel pump supply line or fuel primer pump.•

Fuel Restriction Test

Illustration 6 g03672704

Fuel restriction test diagram

(1) Fuel restriction test point 1

(2) Strainer / primer pump

(3) Fuel restriction test point 2

(4) Fuel supply from tank

(5) Fuel restriction test point 3

(6) Primary fuel filter

(7) Low-pressure fuel pump

(8) Vacuum gauge

(9) Fuel Inlet Restriction / Aeration Tool 373-4727


Check for fuel supply restriction.


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SPN 3055 FMI 15 Below Minimum with Maximum Command ...· SPN 157 FMI 3 (FRP), SPN157 FMI 4, SPN 157 FMI 20, and SPN 157 FMI 21 (FRP), and SPN 633 FMI 3, SPN 633FMI 4, and SPN 633 - [PDF Document] (16)

Computer check fitting•

Vacuum gauge•

372-5842 – Clean Fuel Source Tool•

373-4727 – Fuel Inlet Restriction / Aeration Tool•

373-4735 – Fuel Line Coupler•


Follow the below restriction test procedures.

Restriction Test Point 1

Use Fuel Line Coupler 373-4735 to connect Fuel Inlet Restriction / Aeration Tool 373-4727 between low-pressure fuel pump supply line and low-pressure fuel pump inlet.


Connect vacuum gauge to Fuel Inlet Restriction / Aeration Tool 373-4727.2.

Prime fuel system by pumping primer pump.3.

Crank engine while monitoring vacuum gauge. Record results on Diagnostics Form.4.

If restriction is within specification, verify Fuel Delivery Pressure (FDP) sensor reading with gauge.

If restriction is above specification, go to Restriction Test Point 2•

Restriction Test Point 2

Connect Clean Fuel Source Tool 372-5842 to primer pump inlet.1.

Prime fuel system by pumping primer pump.2.

Crank engine while monitoring vacuum gauge. Record results on Diagnostics Form.3.

If restriction is within specification, go to Restriction Test Point 3.•

If restriction is above specification, repair or replace fuel strainer and primer pump assembly, and check fuel lines.

Restriction Test Point 3

Connect Clean Fuel Source Tool 372-5842 to primary fuel filter inlet.1.

Prime fuel system by pumping primer pump.2.

Crank engine while monitoring vacuum gauge. Record results on Diagnostics Form.3.

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SPN 3055 FMI 15 Below Minimum with Maximum Command ...· SPN 157 FMI 3 (FRP), SPN157 FMI 4, SPN 157 FMI 20, and SPN 157 FMI 21 (FRP), and SPN 633 FMI 3, SPN 633FMI 4, and SPN 633 - [PDF Document] (17)

If restriction is within specification, repair restriction between primary fuel filter and fuel tank.•

If restriction is above specification, replace primary fuel filter, clean fuel strainer, and check fuel lines.

3 Diagnostic Software Operation and Special Test Procedures

High Pressure Pump Test

Illustration 7 g03672732

High Pressure Pump Test

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The High Pressure Pump Test validates performance of the Fuel Rail Pressure System. The test accelerates the engine in three steps while commanding a higher rail pressure on each step. When the test is complete, the ECM sends the test results to the Personal Computer (PC).

Using a PC with engine diagnostic software, go to Tests > KOER Tests > High Pressure Pump Test.

Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) Leak Isolation


Isolate pressure loss in high-pressure fuel system.


Diesel fuel container•

373-4728 – High Pressure Rail Return Line Tester•

372-5215 – High Pressure Rail Plugs•


Note: Perform this procedure only if engine does NOT START because of low or nonexistent Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP).

Retain High Pressure Return Line Tester 373-4728 connection to cylinder head from previous test.


Illustration 8 g03672794

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High Pressure Rail Plug installed on injector six

Disconnect number six injector fuel line and cap off rail with High Pressure Rail Plug 372-5215.


Crank engine while monitoring fuel leaking out of High Pressure Return Line Tester 373-4728.3.

If fuel is leaking out of High Pressure Return Line Tester 373-4728, leave High Pressure Rail Plug 372-5215 connected. Continue capping off one injector supply port at a time until fuel rail builds starting pressure. Once starting pressure is met, replace the removed injector tubes with new parts. Verify that engine will start.

If fuel is not leaking out of High Pressure Return Line Tester 373-4728 and fuel rail buildsstarting pressure, replace number six injector tube and fuel pipe.

HP Pump Fuel Return Pressure Test


Verify that return flow is within specifications.


Compucheck fitting•

372-5239 – Fuel Pressure Gauge•

373-4727 – Fuel Inlet Restriction / Aeration Tool•

373-4735 – Fuel Line Coupler•


Note: Prior to performing this test, ensure that new fuel pump is the correct replacement part.

Restore fuel system to normal operating condition.1.

Disconnect high-pressure fuel pump return line.2.

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SPN 3055 FMI 15 Below Minimum with Maximum Command ...· SPN 157 FMI 3 (FRP), SPN157 FMI 4, SPN 157 FMI 20, and SPN 157 FMI 21 (FRP), and SPN 633 FMI 3, SPN 633FMI 4, and SPN 633 - [PDF Document] (20)

Illustration 9 g03672804

High-pressure fuel pump return line connected to Fuel Pressure Gauge 372-5239

Use Fuel Line Coupler 373-4735 to connect high-pressure fuel pump return line to Fuel Inlet Restriction / Aeration Tool 373-4727.


Use compucheck fitting to connect Fuel Inlet Restriction / Aeration Tool 373-4727 to Fuel Pressure Gauge 372-5239.


Start engine and run high idle while monitoring Fuel Pressure Gauge 372-5239.5.

If pressure is above specification, inspect fuel return line between high-pressure fuel pump and fuel tank for restriction.

If pressure is below specification, no further action is required.•

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Wed Jun 4 15:36:26 CDT 2014


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SPN 3055 FMI 15 Below Minimum with Maximum Command ... · SPN 157 FMI 3 (FRP), SPN157 FMI 4, SPN 157 FMI 20, and SPN 157 FMI 21 (FRP), and SPN 633 FMI 3, SPN 633FMI 4, and SPN 633 - [PDF Document] (2024)


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