Sous Vide Dulce de Leche Recipe (2024)

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Written by Jason Logsdon

Caramel is Pam McKinstry's (of favorite thing, especially combined with chocolate, but she likes it unadulterated, too, in all of its many forms.

Dulce de leche, Spanish for “sweet milk,” is on her list of must-have condiments. Pam always has a jar or two in her over-crowded fridge because it’s very versatile and great for last-minute desserts. Sometimes she'll treat herself with a spoonful right from the jar if there's nothing else on hand to satisfy a sudden caramel craving.

Gourmet specialty shops generally stock dulce de leche (it's fairly trendy these days), but it tends to be expensive. Ethnic markets also sell canned dulce de leche, but Pam finds this product exceptionally flat tasting, lacking the depth of flavor and intensity of high-end products.

Pam's long made her own version, having learned the trick while working in safari camp kitchens in Zambia. They used the dulce de leche to create a concoction called Banoffee Pie, which alternates caramel with layers of Marie biscuits, sliced bananas, and whipped cream.

But first, here’s how to make your own dulce de leche.

Pam says that making your own dulce de leche will not only save you money, but your sauce will be superior in taste and quality. And it’s so very simple! The slow, even heat of the sous vide machine is perfect for caramelizing the milk, and eliminates the possibility of scorching. The milk slowly transforms into a thick and luscious dessert sauce.

She's specified making the dulce de leche in glass jars (canning jars are perfect), but some people might make it in the original condensed milk packaging (remove the labels first). Beware, however: tin cans are coated with a protective liner that contains bisphenol A (BPA). Although the EPA reports that human exposure to BPA from can coatings is minimal and poses no known health risk, some consumers find it a concern. Also, some condensed milk brands warn not to heat the cans, so why take a chance?

The sous vide technique works perfectly well with either form, but it takes a few hours longer to caramelize in glass, because glass is a better insulator than metal.

Dulce de leche makes a perfect hostess or holiday gift, so think about filling your machine with 6 or more jars when you make this recipe. For a quick dessert, mix dulce de leche with crème fraîche and use it as a dip for strawberries.

Quick Dulce de Leche Tip

Mix one part dulce de leche to two parts crème fraîche or sour cream, whip with a fork until well blended, then use as a fruit topping.

Modernist Tools, Ingredients, and Techniques Used

If you would like more information about the modernist techniques, ingredients, and equipment used in the Sous Vide Dulce de Leche you can check out the following.

  • Sous Vide Equipment
  • Beginners Guide to Sous Vide

Sous Vide Dulce de Leche

  • Published: April 1, 2012
  • By Pam McKinstry
  • Prep Time: 5 Minutes
  • Total Time: 13 to 15 Hours
  • Cooks: 185°F (85°C) for 13 to 15 Hours
  • Yields: 1.3 cups per can

Ingredients for Sous Vide Dulce de Leche

  • For the Sous Vide Dulce de Leche

  • 3 14-ounce cans sweetened condensed milk. You can cook more if you wish.

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Cooking Instructions for Sous Vide Dulce de Leche

For the Sous Vide Dulce de Leche

At least 13 to 15 hours before serving

Preheat the water bath to 185°F (85°C).

If desired, open the cans and transfer the condensed milk to sterilized 1/2-pint glass jars, leaving a 1/4 inch head space, and seal with tight-fitting lids. Alternately, remove the labels from the cans and leave them sealed.

Place the jars or cans in the water bath (Pam adds them while the machine is still preheating). Once the water reaches 185°F (85°C), cook the cans for 13 hours, or until you hear no liquid sloshing when the can is shaken. Cook the glass jars for 15 hours, or until the dulce de leche is thick and golden brown. (If the jar is only partially filled, the caramel will be cooked in less time. The jar will also float in the water bath, but that is not a problem.)

Remove the jars or cans from the machine and let them cool for about 20 minutes, then refrigerate the sauce. The dulce de leche will keep, chilled, for up to 3 months.

Want Great Sous Vide Recipes?

Sous Vide Dulce de Leche Recipe (1)

Healthy Sous Vide is the latest cookbook from Jason Logsdon, the best selling author of 10 sous vide and modernist cookbooks, and it shares many of his favorite recipes developed over the years so you can eat nutritious, flavor-packed meals that taste amazing. If you are a looking for a way to boost the flavor of your healthy meals, this book will help you create amazing food that your friends and family will love!

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All tags for this article:Dessert, Milk, Recipe, Sous Vide, Sous Vide Dessert , Sous Vide Dulce de Leche, Sous Vide Milk, Sous Vide Recipes, Sweet , Sweet Sous Vide Feature

Sous Vide Dulce de Leche Recipe (2)This article is by me, Jason Logsdon. I'm an adventurous home cook and professional blogger who loves to try new things, especially when it comes to cooking. I've explored everything from sous vide and whipping siphons to pressure cookers and blow torches; created foams, gels and spheres; made barrel aged co*cktails and brewed beer. I have also written 10 cookbooks on modernist cooking and sous vide and I run the website.

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Sous Vide Dulce de Leche Recipe (2024)


Can you cook dulce de leche too long? ›

Cool down: make absolute sure the can of condensed milk has cooled down completely before removing from the water and opening it. Cooking time: cook from 2.5 hours to 4 hours. The longer you cook, the thicker and darker the dulce de leche will be.

Is dulce de leche just sweetened condensed milk? ›

The difference between condensed milk and dulce de leche is the caramelization of the sugars that are both added and part of milk,” Sibley says. “Typically, condensed milk remains white and has a lighter consistency and taste than dulce de leche.

What's the difference between caramel sauce and dulce de leche? ›

Caramel and dulce de leche might look and taste somewhat similar, but they are actually pretty different. While caramel is made from slowly simmering water and sugar until it caramelizes, dulce de leche is made from simmering milk and sugar super slowly until it turns into a creamy, caramelized substance.

Why do you put baking soda in dulce de leche? ›

Why add baking soda to the sauce? The baking soda will help with the reactions necessary to make the sauce thick and dark, with a rich taste. As you cook the milk and sugar together, water will evaporate, making the solution more acidic, and proteins will begin to coagulate.

Can you fix grainy dulce de leche? ›

Though you're keeping the temperature low, be sure you get the heat up enough to fully dissolve your sugar or you'll end up with grainy dulce de leche. If this happens to you, you can try smoothing it out by reheating it and stirring in a little more milk or half-and-half.

Is evaporated milk the same as dulce de leche? ›

Sweetened condensed milk has sugar in it whereas evaporated milk does not. The process of turning sweetened condensed milk into dulce de leche is simply to extract the water from the milk leaving behind the fat and sugar to caramelize.

What's the difference between manjari and dulce de leche? ›

AFAIK, they're the same. East of the Andes, it's called dulce de leche; West of the Andes, it's called manjar. It's caramelized sugar and condensed milk, cooked until the mixture thickens to a heavy spread, comparable in consistency to American peanut butter.

Is la lechera the same as caramel? ›

While it is often likened to caramel, dulce de leche possesses its own unique flavor profile produced by the Maillard reaction, a chemical reaction and transformation of sugars and proteins via heat. Caramelization does not actually take place when you make dulce de leche.

Is butterscotch and dulce de leche the same thing? ›

Butterscotch is made from cooking down brown sugar with butter, and its flavor is sweeter and softer than that of caramel. Dulce de leche is made from slowly cooking cow milk and sugar together. Dulce de leche made with goat milk is known as cajeta.

Does cajeta taste the same as dulce de leche? ›

Due to the different character of its main ingredient (goat's milk), cajeta has a more complex and nuanced flavor than dulce de leche, with a subtle brightness that lifts you off your feet, lightening the rich caramel and balancing its sweetness. And it ratchets up the flavor profile of any recipe it's added to.

Is Carnation caramel the same as dulce de leche? ›

Carnation Caramel

Caramel is a ready-made authentic Dulce de Leche caramel that is easy to use in baking and as a topping.

How do I know when my dulce de leche is done? ›

Cook for 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours, checking every 45 minutes and adding more boiling water as necessary if the water level has dropped too much. Your dulce de leche is done when it is caramel-colored.

What happens if you overcook dulce de leche? ›

Overcooking Dulce de Leche will make it too thick and maybe even taste burnt.

Why isn't my dulce de leche thickening? ›

Thickness: in order to obtain a really thick dulce de leche, you have to bake it for a really long time. However, the longer you bake it, the more scorched it gets. Frosting use: if the dulce de leche is too lumpy it won't work well for frosting.

What to do with overcooked dulce de leche? ›

Dulce de leche is too thick: If it's too thick while warm, this also happens when the sauce is overcooked and too much liquid has evaporated. Pulse in the food processor/blender with a tiny bit of cream or milk (start with 1/2 teaspoon; a little goes a long way) until it reaches your desired consistency.

Will dulce de leche thicken as it cools? ›

It will thicken more as it cools, but you'll need to thicken it even more if you want it to be more of a spread than a syrup. Tip: To thicken stovetop dulce de leche, make a slurry of 1/2 tablespoon cornstarch with 1 1/4 teaspoons milk.

Is it safe to boil dulce de leche? ›

Sure enough, Carnation condensed milk comes with a warning: "Do not boil unopened can as bursting may occur." According to Serious Eats, when the boiling water evaporates, leaving the metal exposed, the can may warp, split, or yes, explode.

How can you tell if dulce de leche has gone bad? ›

Color: Fresh dulce de leche has a uniform caramel hue. Spoilage is often indicated by a change in color, with the mixture turning darker or developing dark spots. Texture: It should have a smooth, consistent texture. The presence of lumps or a separation of ingredients can signal spoilage.


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