150 Performance Review Examples and Phrases for Feedback (2024)

Table of Contents

Employee performance reviews are crucial for all businesses. They let managers or supervisors assess their staff members' work and offer them insightful, constructive, and honest employee feedback on their:

  • Strengths
  • Skills
  • Efficiency
  • Areas of improvement

Employee engagement is also largely dependent on performance reviews. Therefore, you should know the appropriate words or phrases or employee performance review examples to use during a performance evaluation.

Complicated and wordy messages can confuse both the reviewer and the reviewee and, thus, detract from clarity.

However, if you go about it appropriately, performance reviews can promote your employees' professional growth by reinforcing good habits, rectifying undesirable behaviors, and inspiring them to perform better.

Therefore, to help you comprehend better, we’ve curated a list of 150 performance review phrases. But before we go through the list, let's understand what a performance review is in brief.

What is a performance review?

A performance review is a standardized assessment in which employers or managers analyze an employee's work performance in order to determine their merits and flaws. They can also provide feedback and help with setting personal and organizational goals.

Reviewing the performance of employees is a critical aspect of running a business. It helps to improve the efficiency and productivity of your employees. Effective performance reviews can also help employers accomplish the following:

  • Adequately distribute raises or pay increases
  • Assist team members in acquiring new skills
  • Outline the goals and expectations of the company

Based on the business capacity and size and the goals of the assessments, each company's review procedure may vary in frequency and complexity. The performance review assessments can be carried out either yearly or quarterly.


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150 Useful performance review phrases

Below is a list of 150 performance review phrases and examples that you can use based on the position, function, or personality of the employee in question:

1. Teamwork

Here are 9 positive examples of performance review phrases for teamwork:

  • Willing to be counted on by their teammates and expect the same in return
  • Develops strong relationships in a professional setting with coworkers, superiors, and other staff members
  • Provides support to teammates on their tasks, even though they are not directly responsible for them or obliged to help
  • Exemplifies a culture of collaboration on a daily basis
  • Readily collaborates with their coworkers to accomplish the goal
  • Exceptionally adept at motivating team members to bring out their best effort.
  • Oversees the team's operations and delegates tasks to team members appropriately.
  • Built a highly motivated team that collaborates to commence and finish the task on or before the deadline
  • Always willing to assist teammates who are going through a tough time with their responsibilities

Here are 9 negative examples of performance review phrases for teamwork:

  • Seems more concerned about achieving their targets than helping anyone who might require some assistance
  • Struggles to acclimatize after transferring from a sector that is very autonomous to one that is team oriented
  • Although an expert, they tend not to provide professional guidance or assistance to those who may need
  • Struggles with completing assignments while collaborating with others
  • Doesn't care enough to inspire team members to perform at their highest level while working


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2. Attendance

Here are 7 positive examples of performance review phrases for being attentive :

  • Replies to emails and attends calls of stakeholders on time
  • Attend conferences, workshops, and seminars on time at all times
  • Always arrive on time for work each day
  • Completed X years of flawless attendance
  • Consistently available even when their division's work schedule is unrelated to it
  • Follows the schedule and plan as accurately as attainable
  • Always shows up on time, sticks to the schedule, and takes lunch breaks as scheduled

Here are 6 negative examples of performance review phrases for being attentive:

  • Attends far too many personal phone calls on a daily basis
  • Routinely goes past their allotted lunch break, affecting their productivity
  • Does not adhere to the attendance requirements set forth by the organization
  • Shows up at work late on a regular basis
  • Consistently exceeds the allotted number of leaves
  • Must learn to arrive timely after scheduled leaves

3. Interpersonal skills

Here are 8 positive examples of performance review phrases for good interpersonal skills:

  • Has strong interpersonal skills and needs little to no instruction in communicating well with others
  • Possesses the ability to deal with sensitive circ*mstances promptly and efficiently
  • Can hear and effectively comprehend verbal and nonverbal indications from coworkers
  • Ensures that their teammates are comfortable with a decision made by a higher authority
  • Is an excellent team player who enjoys working with others
  • Possesses the ability to resolve team conflicts
  • Has the capability to collaborate with colleagues to resolve conflict in a respectful manner
  • Possesses the ability to communicate clearly with people from different cultures, places, etc.

Here are 5 negative examples of performance review phrases for good interpersonal skills:

  • Refuses to take constructive criticism from coworkers that can help them grow in the corporate world
  • Interacts with coworkers in an abrasive and unprofessional manner
  • Refuses to take any initiative or incorporate constructive suggestions made by coworkers
  • Reacts defensively to constructive criticism
  • Appears uneasy when questioned during team meetings


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4. Communication skills

Here are 7 positive examples of performance review phrases for good communication skills:

  • Adept at efficiently conveying complex messages and decisions
  • Routinely offers constructive criticism
  • Communicates complex subjects to the rest of the team in a transparent and understandable manner
  • Asks interesting and meaningful questions
  • Not afraid to answer when confronted with a difficult question
  • Is skilled at summarizing and conveying critical business decisions
  • Is open to hearing other people's opinions

Here are 7 negative examples of performance review phrases for communication skills:

  • Stands out from their colleagues for having excellent employee communication skills
  • Repeatedly berates staff members
  • Has difficulty interacting effectively in teams
  • Instead of doing it themselves, ask other coworkers to convey bad news
  • Does not adequately notify supervisors of progress updates
  • Does not provide constructive feedback on new initiatives
  • Regularly engages in awkward conversations and occasionally becomes territorial


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5. Achievement

Here are 8 positive examples of performance review phrases for achievement:

  • Sets realistic goals and actively works to meet them
  • Surpassed the benchmark by X%, outperforming other team members
  • Reduced the time it took to resolve complaints to 24 hours, which boosted customer retention by X%
  • Employed effective SEO strategies and increased the site's organic traffic by X%
  • Implemented a strategy that works well to optimize work processes
  • Working cooperatively with a team was improved by X%
  • Generated X% more revenues at the end of the last quarter compared to the previous one
  • Used automation tools to save the organization $1 million

Here are 6 negative examples of performance review phrases for achievement:

  • Last month's goal was missed by X%
  • Would benefit from reviewing their own failures and successes each quarter
  • Failure to meet commitments due to a lack of coordination
  • Would prosper from defining career goals
  • Finds it challenging to provide error-free work consistently
  • Improved social media interaction is essential to boost organic traffic


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6. Innovation and creativity

Here are 7 positive examples of performance review phrases for innovation and creativity:

  • Frequently comes up with fresh, creative answers to handle difficult situations
  • Thinks creatively and unconventionally
  • Always encourage or assist teammates in coming up with innovative ideas
  • Their creative capabilities are a valuable contribution to the company
  • Has a strong imagination and routinely offers some of the most original ideas
  • Uses creative thinking to carry out a vision for the business
  • Consistently offers fresh ideas during meetings and when working on projects

Here are 7 negative examples of performance review phrases for innovation and creativity:

  • Could provide alternative strategies for resolving problems
  • Could take the initiative to work on new projects
  • Their problem-solving methods are typically inflexible and conventional
  • Prefers a traditional, cautious approach to problems rather than a creative one
  • Could perform better in places that require innovative solutions
  • Might use some creative thought
  • Too reluctant to take chances on coming up with creative solutions
  • Has a habit of rejecting projects that require creative thinking

7. Leadership

Here are 9 positive examples of performance review phrases for leadership:

  • Encourages team members to put in a good effort
  • Establishes a safe environment for team members to express their thoughts and perspectives
  • Recognizes the capabilities of teammates and effectively assigns work
  • Keeps team focused and engaged in work
  • Expresses sincere appreciation for a job well carried out
  • Actively hear what their coworkers are suggesting and respond appropriately to it
  • Is an excellent role model for others to emulate
  • Encourages the development of an understanding- and learning-centered corporate culture
  • Always ready to lend a hand to a teammate

Here are 7 negative examples of performance review phrases for leadership:

  • Ambiguous while deciding which objectives and tasks to accomplish
  • Seldom acknowledges a successfully completed task with praise or positive feedback
  • Regularly causes the team to fall behind with superfluous activities
  • Rejects team members' opinions or suggestions
  • Does not treat other staff members equally with respect
  • Always overanalyzes situations when a speedy resolution is demanded


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8. Attitude

Here are 7 positive examples of performance review phrases for attitude:

  • Has a positive outlook that encourages their teammates to do better
  • Always optimistic in every situation
  • Quickly smiles and boosts morale in tense situations
  • Always cheer up coworkers
  • Does not allow difficult situations to dampen their spirit
  • Always comes to work with a cheerful demeanor
  • Keeps a persistent, optimistic attitude that motivates others
  • Helps others have a positive attitude toward challenges by sharing ideas and thoughts that are constructive
  • The way they behave shows how much they like their work
  • Fosters a culture of trust among staff members

Here are 7 negative examples of performance review phrases for attitude:

  • Has an attitude toward causing problems
  • Gets upset easily and shows a pessimistic attitude
  • Must learn to accept constructive feedback
  • Gets easily distracted or provoked by non-work topics
  • Behavior at work exhibits bipolar tendencies

9. Time management

Here are 9 positive examples of performance review phrases for time management:

  • Has the capacity to finish tasks, particularly those with tight deadlines
  • Shows an excellent capacity for coordinating several tasks and projects simultaneously
  • Efficiently utilizes free time
  • Effectively manages a variety of tasks and projects without requiring heavy supervision
  • Is adept at handling multiple tasks quickly and with precision
  • Manage their time quite well
  • Consistently fulfills all goals on time
  • Creates brief and time-saving presentations
  • Schedules meetings on time

Here are 5 negative examples of performance review phrases for time management:

  • Fails to meet deadlines despite being granted plenty of time to finish all assigned tasks
  • Has trouble coordinating multiple tasks and initiatives
  • Does not efficiently manage their work schedule time
  • Lacks the ability to efficiently prioritize tasks
  • Shows a tendency to let personal matters influence how well they function at work

10. Productivity

Here are 10 positive examples of performance review phrases for productivity:

  • Consistently surpasses performance benchmarks
  • Has incredibly high standards for productivity
  • Have a track record of delivering work at a high caliber
  • Constantly looking for ways to be more effective
  • Encourages people to perform efficiently at work by maintaining a positive attitude
  • Consistently goes above and beyond expectations and delivers the best result
  • Significantly contributes to the business's ongoing expansion
  • Places a high value on details, which is evident in their work
  • Shares their understanding of market trends and best practices with the team to assist them in achieving better results
  • Is a key contributor to the organization's success

Here are 5 negative examples of performance review phrases for productivity:

  • Requires to pay greater attention to the intricacies before turning in a project
  • Finishes the easier tasks first instead of prioritizing the urgent ones
  • Doesn't accomplish their work in accordance with the required productivity standards
  • Should engage in more training and development activities to advance their knowledge and abilities
  • Work performance and productivity have been below par lately

11. Accountability

Here are 5 positive examples of performance review phrases for accountability:

  • Accepts accountability for one's actions and contributions as a team member, as well as involvement in the organization's growth
  • Respects deadlines and takes responsibility for them
  • Acknowledges shortcomings and notifies colleagues when unable to uphold a commitment
  • Takes accountability for the part they play in project management
  • Unwilling to be complacent with errors and finds resolutions for them

Here are 3 negative examples of performance review phrases for accountability:

  • Must accept responsibility for meeting deadlines
  • Rejects responsibilities for fixing errors
  • Fails to communicate effectively regarding delayed deliverables


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Final words

The employee performance review phrases in this blog are examples or ideas that suggest an extensive assessment that managers or employers can conduct for each employee. It will help them carry out a thorough professional evaluation and offers pertinent feedback while averting antagonism and hurtful sentiments.

A crucial point to keep in mind is that each performance review phrase should be tailored to your personnel to assist them in recognizing their advantages and rectifying their shortcomings.

But no matter how much push we give, some emΡ€lΠΎΡƒΠ΅Π΅Ρ• are not cut out to fit in your organization. If the partnership needs to be terminated, an effective performance review process can help identify underperforming employees, allowing for a smooth transfer.

Another way to gather insights about your employees is through the employee engagement surveys feature from Empuls. The employee survey tool from Empuls was created with professionals from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). It offers you real-time, intuitive, and actionable insights. It also suggests actionable solutions to address issues generating disengagement and focus on areas for improvement.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up for Empuls today for a free 30-day trial to begin discovering and enjoying all of its features!

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Here are some frequently asked questions about employee performance review:

1. What is an employee performance review?

A thorough evaluation of an employee's performance over a specific period is known as an employee performance review. Managers examine an employee's overall performance, point out their merits and shortcomings, provide feedback, and assist them in setting goals during a performance review.

2. What should a performance evaluation of an employee contain?

In the majority of employee assessments, regardless of industry, these capabilities are evaluated:

  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Problem-solving
  • Attendance
  • Time management
  • Productivity

3. What are some examples of good performance reviews for employees?

Examples of good performance reviews for employees are:

  • Oversees the team's operations and delegates tasks to team members appropriately.
  • Communicates complex subjects to the rest of the team in a transparent and understandable manner

4. What are some of the areas of improvement for employees?

Some of the areas of improvement for employees are:

  • Initiative
  • Time management
  • Leadership
  • Delegation
  • Teamwork
  • Creativity
  • Productivity

5. What are some examples of performance reviews concerning leadership?

Examples of performance reviews concerning leadership are:

  • Encourages the development of an understanding- and learning-centered corporate culture
  • Recognizes the capabilities of teammates and effectively assigns work

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150 Performance Review Examples and Phrases for Feedback (2024)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

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Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.